Why should we pay from 300 Euros to 1000 Euros for a set of lights if we know that we can get lights on Aliexpress for a fraction of that cost? And what does an 18th century social economist have to say about that?

"The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot." - John Ruskin If you buy cheap, you buy twice! The message basically is about quality and it a very broad sense: Built quality and reliability If I need to rely on my equipment to safely and comfortably take me to places far from the beaten track, would I want to rely on no-name equipment? I have seen Chinese light bulbs claim a 55w output and in fact delivering nearly 100w, meaning they could set the bike on fire… Product usability No name reverse engineered look-a-likes might be cheap, but are they really as useful as a light that is engineered by professionals caring about the usable light spread? The difference between good and bad lights is grotesque and a light that shines light everywhere but not in the place where you need it is just not fit for purpose. Legal aspects (liability) Europe, for example, is very regulated and if I put a light on my bike that does not conform ...